Rajiv Aajeevika Samvardhan Abhiyan (RGF-ASA)

An opportunity to Grow Personally and Professionally while supporting young budding enterprises in your community!

Help Aspiring Micro-Entrepreneurs in your community and earn a Certified Micro-Entrepreneurship Trainer Certificate!

Rajiv Aajeevika Samvardhan Abhiyan (RGF- ASA) is an initiative by Rajiv Gandhi Foundation to revive the livelihoods of migrants as well as resident workers in the rural areas by supporting them to start their own micro-enterprise and make them self-reliant.

The RGF-ASA program was launched in 22 districts of Rural India in August 2020. During the first phase, RGF-ASA along with its local NGO partners, have provided capacity building and handholding support to migrant and local residents who lost their livelihoods during the pandemic with the help of trained mentors to become self-reliant by setting up their own micro-enterprises and earning a sustainable livelihood income.

Rajiv Gandhi Foundation (RGF) works in 30 states and UTs across India to work on the grassroot issues and empower communities and individuals to realise their full potential. Our programs include concerns like Education, Sanitation, Employement, Disablities etc.

Why RGF-ASA program?

Program Methodology

We believe that the mentors are the key implementation partners for the program on the ground. To ensure successful knowledge transfer from mentors to the AME’s, we continuously train the mentors on 5 Modules respectively 


  1. Module A: Achievement Motivation
  2. Module B: Business Skills
  3. Module C: Competencies against Activity chosen
  4. Module D: Digital Enablement
  5. Module E- Extension Motivation with Empathy.

Program Structure

The program structure of is designed for a duration of minimum 6 Months, and it can go till the AME launch and learn how to efficiently manage and grow their venture. The program structure is divided into several phases from Identification of Mentors, Training Of Mentors, Identification and Assessment Of AME’s, Developing Skill Competencies of AME’s, Digital Enablement Of AME’s and continuous support from the organization.

Watch A Video To Know More

Mentors who have created an Everlasting Impact in the communities.

Read stories of our micro-entrepreneurs, supported by Mentors of RGF, who have launched their enterprise and serve as an inspiration and motivation for us to keep growing this program and for their communities to start something of their own and become self-reliant. 

Meet Vinod, Mentor who have supported more than 70+ AME's and helped 30+ entrepreneurs start their small enterprises in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh

Read the story of Vinod, who comes from a small village “katara” in MadhyaPradesh and how he has enabled over 30 micro-enterprises in starting up and growing in his region.

Impact created by RGF-ASA Mentors

This young man is solving problems of 5 villages while earning INR 30,000 Per Month

To help his villages and resents of nearby villages, Ramgopal kushwah has setup a Digital Seva Kendra and provides digital services to them at very competitive rates.

Journey Of Suman, From a housewife to an Expert Tailor and a Trainer

Suman realized that her husband’s income is not sufficient to run her family and provide proper education for their children. She broke all the family norms and went on learning tailoring and today she is the expert tailor in her village.

Our Impact


AME's Trained


Enterprises Started

15000 INR

Average Monthly Income


Mentors Trained


NGO Partners


Districts Covered


Activities Covered

Program Testimonials